Month: November 2013

  • Someone who is very dear to me sent me this today and it made me smile. Thank you for thinking of me:


    girls are like

  • corrode, v.

    corrode, v.

    I spent all this time building a relationship. Then one night I left the window open, and it started to rust. 

    -page 64 from The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan.






    Someone had once said to me , "Out of sight, out of mind." Funny how I never heard of it nor know what it meant then. I had given hints and warnings but it was unheeded as if my feelings did not matter. I had forewarned that this day would/could happen. My doubts formed over a long period of time and spread like ulcers, then it cratered out and started to corrode my feelings. This is the result of broken promises, false hope, and an almost non-existent communication. Somehow, I now  realized I don't really know the person as I thought that I did, because the person had never really let me in.....sad thing is, all this time, it was only enough to let me think I did.




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